
Philharmonicer Investment Coin (Vienna Philharmonic): overview, history of appearance, interesting facts and photo

One way to invest money is to buy investment coins. Over time, banknotes become more expensive, and their sale allows you to make a profit. However, here the question arises: which coin to choose? In this article, consider one of the famous banknotes - the Vienna Philharmonicer. This coin is issued in gold and silver. Both options are popular among investors, since they are made of material of the…

Coins of Ghana, series: «Giants of the Ice Age»: overview, history of appearance, interesting facts

Ice Age Giants is a popular series of investment coins. Its release was announced by the German issuer of the Republic of Ghana, located in West Africa. The theme of the series was the giants who lived in the Ice Age. Such banknotes are a unique opportunity to collect images of animals that lived on Earth long before us, and at the same time to increase capital.

The denomination of each currency…

Памятные и инвестиционные монеты Украины: обзор, история появления, интересные факты
Покупка инвестиционных монет — один из способов сохранения и приумножения денег. С течением времени стоимость денежных знаков растет, что и формирует прибыль. Кроме инвестиционных, существуют коллекционные или, так называемые, памятные монеты.
Инвестиции в золотые и серебряные монеты
Во все времена люди старались сохранить накопленные средства, а лучше — преумножить их. Один из таких вариантов — вложение денег в золотые инвестиционные монеты.